The Tiny House is Back!

The Tiny House is back and we’re ramping up the momentum!

I can’t believe two years has passed since I last updated you on progress with the Tiny house. I’ll have you know I am still in the build and design process and just as passionate about my Tiny house as ever; its just taking me a whole lot longer than I ever intended to complete it. But none the less I am pleased to say that completion of the tiny house is not far off!

The tiny house in its current glory. Clad fully in Cedar with solid custom cedar door. Note the califont on the end.

The tiny house in its current glory. Clad fully in cedar with solid custom cedar door. Note the califont and plumbing on the end.

Here’s a brief snapshot of where I’m up with the tiny house. Currently the tiny house resides on an empty section in Christchurch sitting proud and handsome as ever. With the cedar exterior cladding having been completed earlier on in the year, the past few months it’s been all go getting electrical wiring, plumbing, gas and insulation installed ready for internal linings to go on. For myself and younger brother Jonny, the tiny house has been our sleeping quarters for the past 10 months. Enduring a cold winter in an uninsulated shell of a building has certainly given us the push to get the Tiny house finished before another cold winter arrives. Yes, attempts to temporarily insulate ourselves from the cold nights included lining the sleeping loft with cardboard (only to have it cave in on us in the middle of the night), mink blankets and running a small fan heater all night to ensure at least a couple good nights of sleep in there.

Internal electrical wiring, plumbing and gas fitted prior to insulation going in.

Internal electrical wiring, plumbing and gas fitted prior to insulation going in.

Tiny house fully insulated using spray foam insulation

Tiny house fully insulated using spray foam insulation. Unfortunately a fair amount of patch-up work was needed with the spray foam – more on this later.

Here’s a bit of a run down of what’s been happening for the past two years while we’ve been giving you the silent treatment.

While progress has certainly been made, unfortunately the Tiny house has had to take the back seat more than I would have liked for much of the past two years. Other commitments, such as keeping up with running a product and graphic design business and overseas travel have meant time has been the precious commodity I’ve been lacking in. And not to mention the number of obstacles we’ve had to navigate along the way and the constant demand on the finances with each new stage requiring more of the dollar stuff… Admittedly i’m a stickler for quality and wanting to use the best products I can get my hands on which I think if my bank account had a voice would certainly have a few words to say back to me.

In two years I’ve had to relocate the tiny house twice with another relocation looming ahead in a few months time. While its been designed to be relocated easily there is still quite a bit of work involved around having to prep the tiny house to be moved and prepare the new site to allow for it’s new resident. In the last move to its current location this included on the spot rapid pruning of the length of the driveway just to get the the tiny house on the property while the tiny house sat in limbo out on the street. It certainly is a head turner on the roads.


Tiny House on the move to its current location

Tiny House on the move to its current location

A key issue to be considered each time I have to move the tiny house is making sure there is the space and services available to be able to continue with the building work. Who would have thought getting power to a site would take four and a half months! Obviously little work happened over that period. Instead I went about setting up a relocatable workshop to house all my building tools. I purchased a brand new 20 foot container and kitted it out as a workshop to sit alongside the tiny house. This has proved invaluable and has allowed me to continue work on site.

I’m continuing to refine the design layout of the interior and will talk more on this in later posts.

Over the next few weeks I will take you through a quick succession of blogs to bring you up to date on a few more of the details behind the different stages I have gone through that bring us to where we are at now with the tiny house.

So we’ll be back soon – promise.

Until then feel free to be in touch with any questions and have a great second half of your week!